Superwoman: Taking off the cape


This season of my life is all about finding balance. 

Really it’s about finding the balance to not overdo and over commit.  It is so tempting, especially for a person like me who enjoys the busyness of a full life.

It doesn’t bother me to have a full schedule…to run from this soccer practice to that softball practice. To take in a counseling appointment the same day I’m due at the dentist office.  

To juggle family, writing and homework all in the span of a 24 hour period.

But even I need to know when to take a break sometimes. To step back from the busy life I lead and breathe and re-focus.  Sometimes it’s about being honest enough to say “I can’t take on anymore right now.”

Because the truth is….I have no interest in taking on the role of Superwoman, Superwife, Supermom…really Super anything.  I have enough problems just being regular, ordinary me without putting on any undo pressure to save the world during lunchtime.

There was only one person who ever saved the world…and I am not it! 

So with that in mind, I’ve been taking some time this past weekend to re-prioritize a bit.  One of the main things on my plate right now is finishing up this last semester of college.  And let me just tell you…it’s a doozy! The work is not hard and I am enjoying the learning, but there is a lot of it to do.  Yesterday I spent 11 hours…Yes! 11 Hours studying to stay caught up.

It’s a lot of reading, lectures, a few papers scattered here and there…and simply putting in the time needed to finish well.

BB1162-002And I think that has been what is most on my mind and heart…what I feel God is saying to me right now…”Finish well Victoria, Finish Well!”

So, to that end… and to obeying what God calls me too…I am choosing to put a few things on the back burner.  One of those things is the upcoming challenge that I was planning on starting April 1st.  “Fearlessly Capturing the Heart of Your Daughter.”  

This challenge has been on my heart for a long time and I had put it in my schedule weeks before I knew what my final semester was really going to look like and entail.  In the old days I would have just pressed through and made it work…but I don’t believe that is what God is calling me to.

I believe with my whole heart that God calls us to excellence..(not perfection, because there is a difference in the two)  But a call to excellence in everything that we do for him.

And when we take on too much we can struggle to really do things with excellence.

He calls me to have balance in my life…to not be superwoman…to not shortchange what he wants to do in the time he wants to do it. 

I still plan on hosting the challenge..but for now God calls me to finish well what I had already started so that when I do move onto the other things he has called me to…that I might start and finish those well too.

For those that were planning on participating…I thank you and I hope that you will still plan to join us when I do launch the challenge in a few months time, but until then….

You will still see me in the space…for writing is my therapy, my place where I can find rest and a moment of peace from schedules that demand to be kept for this season of my life.

SuperWoman1But you will not see me slipping on my “Super-Cape” anytime real soon….and to all you other wanna-be Superwoman out there… Believe me! It’s highly overrated!  

Take the cape off and simply be who God has called you to be…for when you do, there you will find His rest.


Psalm 91:1 “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” 

Matthew 11:30 “For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”